Friday, September 9, 2011

Faith and the creation myths

The creation myths are somewhat difficult to study, because although we are looking at these creation myths “objectively”, it is very hard not to make judgments.  Everyone has a belief system, and these myths are tied so closely to different faiths and religions that it makes it tough trying to talk about them without interjecting our own bias.

I believe it takes faith to believe in whatever creation myth one believes in.  It even takes faith to believe that there are no “gods” and that all this just happened. There are thousands of belief systems that try to explain where man came from.  Whether one believes that God created the world, the world evolved, or one believes in the flying spaghetti monster (there is actually a religion…look it up @, it is all taken by faith.       
Every creation myth has its “evidence”, but here was no human who was actually here at creation, or at the beginning of time.  Therefore there is no hard evidence where one can know exactly what happened at the beginning of time.  All the “evidence” shown by one group is completely discarded by the other, because it doesn’t “fit” in with their beliefs.  I can say I “know” what happened, but it is only because I have a certain belief system that I go by that “tells” me what happened.

I tried to write this post up to this point with as little bias as possible, so you could understand the relationship between faith and the creation myths without getting bogged down because of my belief system. 
I am a Christian, so I do believe that God created the world in six days, thus the Genesis creation story.  I believe “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork” Psalms 19:1.  And yes, I do think you are wrong if you don’t believe God created the earth, but I also think you have the right to believe whatever you wish.
As I said in the earlier paragraphs, everyone believes by faith (including myself), and it is everyone’s individual decision to believe as they think they ought to.  I simply ask this; realize that every person you meet has a belief system that is taken by faith.  I think the book of Hebrews puts it best (but this is just my belief J)… “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Hebrews 11:1     

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